What Is A Digital Nomad? New Trend In Careers

A digital nomad is a person who carries out their work over the Internet without having to be in a fixed location. This freedom of movement provided by new technologies allows you to adapt your profession to your personal circumstances so you can change location wherever you want while maintaining your job. That is, leading a nomadic life.

It is a new lifestyle that shows that there are different ways of doing things. An upward trend with which we verify that the times in which work consisted of going to an office for 8 hours 5 days a week to warm up the chair, are beginning to change.

What characteristics does a digital nomad have?

After defining what a digital nomad is, we are going to list the main characteristics of this new way of developing work.

  • Freedom of schedule and movement: when working remotely you can be anywhere in the world and develop your task following the schedule that works best for you. The only thing necessary and essential is to have a good internet connection.
  • You work for objectives: as long as you meet the set goals you can practice your profession wherever and whenever you want. Do agile methodologies sound familiar to you?
  • New lifestyle: more than a profession, being a digital nomad is a way of living life. You are the one who takes the reins of your career and you are the one who decides how to live, beyond the unwritten rules that society demands. Gone is having a stable job, buying a flat, getting married, having children and waiting for retirement to arrive. Here everything is possible and only you have the final say to do what you want.
  • There are different ways of working: in general, digital nomads are usually freelancers, self-employed entrepreneurs or work as employees for companies that do not require presence.

Types of digital nomads

Although there are many ways to classify people who practice this type of work and life, here we are going to divide them into two types:

  • Full-time digital nomads: these are people who live completely immersed in the nomadic life, changing their residence constantly through different places and countries while carrying out their professional work. The majority of what they earn goes towards maintaining their traveling lifestyle.
  • Seasonal digital nomads: This is a slightly less risky option than the previous one. These people live part of the year in their fixed place of residence and become nomads only for a few months. Thus, the time they are not traveling is dedicated to consolidating projects and saving as much as possible to have security and economic stability during their trips.

The five favorite destinations for digital nomads

Being a digital nomad is something increasingly common and that is why we can highlight the favorite destinations for people who decide to make this change in their lives. Surely more than one will make you rethink your current situation:

  • Canggu and Ubud: in Bali, Indonesia, you will find many people who have decided to leave behind a fixed residence. The beautiful views, the tropical climate, the wonderful beaches, the wide range of leisure and free time and the good internet connection are the perfect ingredients to inevitably attract digital nomads. Some refer to the Indonesian island as Silicon Bali.
  • Bangkok: perhaps this Thai city is one of the best for working female travelers. There they find a low cost of living, delicious food, coworking spaces designed for people who work while traveling and high quality internet.
  • Tallinn: Although going to the capital of Estonia was not among your first options at first, you have to know that It is a very interesting destination since it is the first country in the world to reserve special visas for digital nomads. A way to attract qualified personnel to its borders who add value to the country.
  • Lisbon: another of the European countries that are committed to this form of work is Portugal. In its capital, events for digital nomads are held throughout the year, it has coworking spaces dedicated to these people, it offers reliable internet, good weather, good prices and beaches where you can surf.
  • The Canary Islands: in Spain, everyone’s favorite destination digital nomad is in the Canary Islands. Excellent weather all year round without leaving Europe, affordable prices, wonderful beaches and an abundance of collaborative work spaces make the Canary archipelago a very interesting place.

What does it take to be a digital nomad?

Yes, we know that knowing what a digital nomad is makes you seriously rethink for your career success, but everything has its downside. To make the lifestyle change and become a digital nomad you need three things: the desire to travel, being very organized and responsible at work, and having a salary that will make you happy at the end of the month. The desire to travel is easy to have and staying organized depends only on you, but the economic part is the most complicated. Before taking the leap you need to make sure that you are going to earn enough to be able to support yourself and have a good life wherever you go. Nowadays, more and more companies decide to have remote workers or allow their employees to develop tasks by objectives, without having to spend hours and hours at your workplace.

Job profiles for digital nomads

Currently, there are many types of work aimed at digital nomads, especially those related to new technologies. Below we mention some of the most common profiles.

Software developers

Software developers create computer programs and applications. To do this, they write the code and do tests. They are also responsible for updates and maintenance.


In the field of translation, teleworking has existed for many years, but it has now intensified. Translators are professionals who are responsible for expressing in one language what is written or has been previously expressed in another. Thanks to computers and new technologies, they can work from anywhere.

Creative writers

Creative writers are in charge of writing copy for advertisements and other marketing materials in order to attract the attention of the target audience. To do this, they must know how to write well and create persuasive texts.

Graphic designers

Graphic designers create visual and multimedia content (web pages, logos, brochures, infographics, etc.) with the help of graphic design programs and tools.

SEO Specialists

These professionals ensure that a website achieves more visibility through search engine optimization strategies. Additionally, they must attract quality organic traffic. 

Community leaders

Community managers are responsible for creating and managing a company’s user communities and social networks, creating and maintaining stable and lasting relationships with its customers and followers.

Advantages and disadvantages of working as a digital nomad

Working as a digital nomad and adopting this lifestyle has advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • higher quality of life
  • possibility of traveling and seeing the world
  • lifestyle in accordance with your principles
  • better time management
  • more time for leisure activities

The main disadvantages are:

  • connectivity problems
  • need to carry out tax procedures in different countries
  • difficulty separating work from leisure time
  • loss of contact with family and friends
  • need to take out international medical insurance

What is the difference between a digital nomad and a freelancer?

A digital nomad and a freelancer are both individuals who often work independently, but there are distinct differences between the two lifestyles. A freelancer is typically someone who works on a project basis for various clients, offering specialized skills such as writing, graphic design, or programming. Freelancers may work from home or a dedicated workspace and can have a more stable routine, with projects often obtained through networking or online platforms.

On the other hand, a digital nomad is characterized by their nomadic lifestyle, leveraging technology to work remotely from different locations around the world. Digital nomads are not tied to a specific place and may change their work environment frequently, embracing a location-independent lifestyle. While freelancers may work remotely, digital nomads actively seek diverse and often exotic locations as their workplaces.

In essence, the key difference lies in the approach to work and lifestyle. Freelancers focus on specific skills and projects, building a client base, while digital nomads prioritize mobility and flexibility, using their skills to sustain a lifestyle of constant travel and exploration. Both paths offer unique opportunities and challenges, appealing to individuals with different priorities and preferences in their professional lives.

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