Openness is one of the personality qualities that determine how much we achieve. Just like other personality qualities, we can somewhat change it in the right conditions. This will make us more open to other people, to the new technologies and practices, and new ideas. It is a somewhat risky move, but on average it …
Stylus and pen displays
Who needs a stylus, a digital pen, or a pen-like mouse? Since these devices are mass-produced, I guess there is a real demand for them. Or maybe people simply want to have an option? Maybe we have an option, but do not really understand how to use it? Let us find out! The touch screen …
What to do if you have anger problems?
Feeling anger is totally normal after experiencing frustrating, painful or unfair moments. In fact, it can be considered a healthy emotion, as long as it does not become uncontrolled or destructive. And the way in which anger is expressed will determine its impact on the physical and mental health, as well as the interpersonal relationships …
Learning left hand calligraphy
The setup is simple. We have the QWERTY keyboard and a big screen in front of us. There is a mouse and a secondary screen on the right side of the body. If we are lucky there is a third pivoted screen on our left, and the notebook under it. Now what? Why the obvious …
Positively happy
Is the pursuit of happiness reasonable? What will we find in it? Can we gamify the experience we call life? If we cannot pursue happiness, what is the next best thing? Is it money, experience, wisdom, or something entirely different? Today I selected many different links, not all of them working. See if you like …
Middle class: money, happiness or both
Money does not bring happiness, it brings comfort. Happiness does not require money: it needs a sense of purpose and simple pleasures. Money and happiness compete over similar resources. How come so many think they are the same? Can we have both? More reading here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Money buys comfort …
Reimagining a pen
I am considering a new business. For a couple of weeks, I have been working with friends and family members trying to reimagine one of the most common and wildly used items: a pen. This is a creativity exercise with a very real expected output. Join me on my quest for the perfect pen. Knives, …