The setup is simple. We have the QWERTY keyboard and a big screen in front of us. There is a mouse and a secondary screen on the right side of the body. If we are lucky there is a third pivoted screen on our left, and the notebook under it. Now what? Why the obvious …
Reimagining a pen
I am considering a new business. For a couple of weeks, I have been working with friends and family members trying to reimagine one of the most common and wildly used items: a pen. This is a creativity exercise with a very real expected output. Join me on my quest for the perfect pen. Knives, …
Ideal pen size and shape factor
Is there such a thing as an ideal size and shape? Probably not, not even for a pen. However, there may be an ideal shape for a purpose. For me, a pen is more than just a pen. It is a productivity device, a quintessential tool of a knowledge worker before computers. The tradeoffs easily explained …
The appeal of bigger pens
Small, medium, or large pens? Which are better? There are pens in every size. Which should one choose? In this discussion, I favor the bigger options, but I will try to stay fair. Big or heavy? What is the optimal weight of a pen? The number is somewhere between 10 and 50 grams. Anything lighter …
Choosing your inks
If you have a fountain pen, you are trying to find the perfect ink for that pen. If you have many pens, you mix and match. This is a sort of art, chemistry, and something else… Why should you do it and how to do it properly? Three colors everyone needs If you have a …
Calligraphy with kids
One of the most rewarding experiences I had with my kids was practicing calligraphy together. The activity is good training for motoric skills, creativity, memory. And it is also not very expensive but very rewarding. Disclaimer I will be honest. It has very little to do with actual professional calligraphy. We do not care if …
Calligraphy tools: dip pen vs fountain pen
So, suppose you want to learn more beautiful writing. Now what? Do you take several calligraphy courses, or simply practice with a font? Are you buying a fountain pen or a dip pen? Is the new hobby worthy of your investment? This and more in the head-to-head comparison… Why even learn calligraphy? We need to …
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A pen captures the sole of the writer
A pen is more than just a tool, it is a vehicle of enlightenment. This is not a smart branding of a pen manufacturer, it is ancient wisdom common for many cultures. Just like a sword is a continuation of the warrior’s will, a pen is a continuation of the philosopher’s soul. Can this idea …
Pen holders and racks
One of the points in having a premium pen is proudly displaying it on your work desk. Pen holders can have additional functions, for example as a paperweight. Why do we really need pen holders and how well do they protect our pens? Pen in the drawer Let us start with the alternative. While a …
The history of fonts
Where do the fonts we use come from? Which fonts are easier to read? Why are there so many fonts? Let us discuss the history of fonts and what it means for us. Typeface Fonts do not exist alone, they are a part of a larger family often called typeface. And the typeface is a …