Currently, depression is the leading cause of disability in the world. It is for this reason that different empirical investigations have tried to respond to this mental health emergency, arriving at interesting results in terms of scientific knowledge. One of the most studied areas is that which delves into the neurobiological bases of depression. For …
What Are The Behavior Modification Techniques?
Behavior modification techniques are strategies used in a psychological intervention to change a person’s behavior and make them more adaptive. There is a wide variety of these techniques, which the professional will use depending on their experience and patient profile. Modification techniques used in therapy 1. Systematic desensitization It is a cognitive-behavioral technique proposed by …
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Why Do We Dream And Its Influence On The Connection With The Body And Mind?
The mystery of dreams has intrigued humanity since time immemorial. In the quiet of the night, our brains immerse themselves in a fascinating and incomprehensible world, weaving stories and emotions that often seem to defy all logic. But why do we dream? What really are dreams and what meaning lies behind those dream images that …
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How To Manage Ghosting?
The way we communicate today has changed. Advances in technology and the media have meant that the way we interact is, on many occasions, more virtual than in person. This can give rise to the appearance of new phenomena, such as so-called “ghosting”. What is ghosting? It consists of ending some type of relationship by …
Positively happy
Is the pursuit of happiness reasonable? What will we find in it? Can we gamify the experience we call life? If we cannot pursue happiness, what is the next best thing? Is it money, experience, wisdom, or something entirely different? Today I selected many different links, not all of them working. See if you like …
What Is Meaningful Learning?
Meaningful learning is a type of learning where the new knowledge to be acquired is added to previous knowledge, readjusting both. It is a way of learning opposite to traditional, more rote learning. In meaningful learning, learners actively integrate new information into older information. The concept of mapping has been a useful technique for …
What Is Emotional Responsibility?
Affective responsibility is a crucial topic in the field of Psychology. It refers to the ability to assume and manage one’s own emotions, taking into account how they affect the people with whom we establish a relationship. Thus, it helps us bond in a healthy, enriching and flexible way. How to increase emotional responsibility? Affective …
Parent yourself
We are the best guides and mentors for our kids. At least this is how we see the situation. Our kids get unconditional support, friendly advice, love, and tenderness. Our own parents are either far away or old and need our support. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could simply parent ourselves? This can actually …
Mindfulness for work and study
One of the perfect uses for mindfulness is mastering your emotions. We will explore this concept in the home and office settings, where we learn and work with actionable tips. For more reading, please check here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Stop emotions and focus I use mindfulness when I need to work …
Middle class: money, happiness or both
Money does not bring happiness, it brings comfort. Happiness does not require money: it needs a sense of purpose and simple pleasures. Money and happiness compete over similar resources. How come so many think they are the same? Can we have both? More reading here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Money buys comfort …