Who needs a stylus, a digital pen, or a pen-like mouse? Since these devices are mass-produced, I guess there is a real demand for them. Or maybe people simply want to have an option? Maybe we have an option, but do not really understand how to use it? Let us find out! The touch screen …
Learning left hand calligraphy
The setup is simple. We have the QWERTY keyboard and a big screen in front of us. There is a mouse and a secondary screen on the right side of the body. If we are lucky there is a third pivoted screen on our left, and the notebook under it. Now what? Why the obvious …
Reimagining a pen
I am considering a new business. For a couple of weeks, I have been working with friends and family members trying to reimagine one of the most common and wildly used items: a pen. This is a creativity exercise with a very real expected output. Join me on my quest for the perfect pen. Knives, …
Ideal pen size and shape factor
Is there such a thing as an ideal size and shape? Probably not, not even for a pen. However, there may be an ideal shape for a purpose. For me, a pen is more than just a pen. It is a productivity device, a quintessential tool of a knowledge worker before computers. The tradeoffs easily explained …
A pen for a knowledge worker is like … a katana for a samurai
This is a bit strange. We go with our pens everywhere. Actually, more pens are sold than ever before. Yet we rarely use them nowadays. Kids no longer learn calligraphy. Yet each of my kids uses more pens than I ever did. What is going on? Is your pen a statement, and if so, of …
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The appeal of bigger pens
Small, medium, or large pens? Which are better? There are pens in every size. Which should one choose? In this discussion, I favor the bigger options, but I will try to stay fair. Big or heavy? What is the optimal weight of a pen? The number is somewhere between 10 and 50 grams. Anything lighter …
Pen, pencil, stylus, keyboard or microphone?
We have a lot of input options. Each with a different set of tradeoffs. Which option is more useful for speedwriting? What should we do in a class and in a conference room? How should we brainstorm? So many choices! Cannot go wrong I want to start with a very simple statement: whatever tool you …
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Choosing your inks
If you have a fountain pen, you are trying to find the perfect ink for that pen. If you have many pens, you mix and match. This is a sort of art, chemistry, and something else… Why should you do it and how to do it properly? Three colors everyone needs If you have a …
Digital Literacy: Why Is It Important For Your Child?
New technologies are emerging very quickly, which is great. But without the right knowledge, the digital world can be very overwhelming and also dangerous. This is where the importance of digital literacy comes into play. Digital literacy is crucial for us adults, but even more so for young children, whose future will be largely determined …
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How to Spell Correctly? The Big Four Spelling Rules
Spelling is a fundamental skill in mastering any language. It involves understanding the arrangement of letters to form words correctly. The significance of accurate spelling cannot be overstated, as it is essential for clear communication, professional writing, and academic success. Spelling errors can lead to misunderstandings, reduce the credibility of the writer, and sometimes …
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