One of the most rewarding experiences I had with my kids was practicing calligraphy together. The activity is good training for motoric skills, creativity, memory. And it is also not very expensive but very rewarding. Disclaimer I will be honest. It has very little to do with actual professional calligraphy. We do not care if …
Calligraphy tools: dip pen vs fountain pen
So, suppose you want to learn more beautiful writing. Now what? Do you take several calligraphy courses, or simply practice with a font? Are you buying a fountain pen or a dip pen? Is the new hobby worthy of your investment? This and more in the head-to-head comparison… Why even learn calligraphy? We need to …
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A pen captures the sole of the writer
A pen is more than just a tool, it is a vehicle of enlightenment. This is not a smart branding of a pen manufacturer, it is ancient wisdom common for many cultures. Just like a sword is a continuation of the warrior’s will, a pen is a continuation of the philosopher’s soul. Can this idea …
The secrets behind your signature
We sign documents without even thinking about the meaning of our signature. Moreover, we select and design our signature at a very young age and then often use it for as long as we live. Without thinking too deeply about it. As an exercise in creativity and critical thinking, sometimes when I see something obvious, …
Pen holders and racks
One of the points in having a premium pen is proudly displaying it on your work desk. Pen holders can have additional functions, for example as a paperweight. Why do we really need pen holders and how well do they protect our pens? Pen in the drawer Let us start with the alternative. While a …
The history of fonts
Where do the fonts we use come from? Which fonts are easier to read? Why are there so many fonts? Let us discuss the history of fonts and what it means for us. Typeface Fonts do not exist alone, they are a part of a larger family often called typeface. And the typeface is a …
Historical inks
We use all sorts of ink. Usually without giving it a second thought. And yet, inks have a very rich history. There are so many misconceptions… And no, printer ink is not the most expensive liquid on the planet! Let us try to see if inks can be interesting. Natural inks Humans sort of invented …
The rise and fall of cursive writing
Up until recently, in all English-speaking countries children learned printed and cursive letters. Reading and writing flawlessly cursive texts was a sign of penmanship. Today it is being replaced by typing. Our kids do not understand the journals written by our parents. Is it such a big deal? What are we actually losing? Who stopped …
The role of the pen in your pocket
This is another creativity exercise. What exactly is the role of the pen in your life? How do you separate function vs fashion, culture vs individual need? A pen is one of the most basic devices of a knowledge worker. That’s why I find it almost mesmerizingly interesting. Sell me this pen The article started …