10 Tips To Make Co-parenting Work


Co-parenting is often easier said than done, especially in the beginning, however, it is not impossible! Additionally, it can have multiple benefits for your child and your family in general. So it’s worth a try, right? If you want to learn how to co-parent in a healthy and effective way, read on to discover our top 10 tips.

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What is co-parenting?

Co-parenting refers to a collaborative parenting arrangement where separated or divorced parents work together to raise their children. It involves shared responsibilities, decision-making, and communication to ensure the well-being of the child. Co-parenting requires a cooperative mindset, focusing on the child’s needs above personal conflicts. Effective co-parenting involves creating consistent routines, maintaining open and respectful communication, and supporting each other’s parenting roles. Flexibility, compromise, and empathy are essential to navigate challenges and changes that arise. Ultimately, the goal of co-parenting is to provide a stable, loving environment for children despite the separation, fostering their emotional, mental, and physical growth.

What is parallel parenting?

Parallel parenting is a co-parenting approach designed for high-conflict situations where direct communication between parents may be contentious or unproductive. It involves minimizing contact between parents while maximizing each parent’s involvement in the child’s life. This method prioritizes structured boundaries, clear guidelines, and specific parenting plans to limit interaction and reduce conflict. Each parent operates independently, making decisions during their parenting time without interference from the other. It aims to shield children from parental conflict by creating separate, distinct parenting environments. While it lacks the cooperation of traditional co-parenting, parallel parenting seeks to provide stability and consistency for the children amidst parental discord.

Why co-parenting is beneficial for your child

Research suggests that children whose parents have a healthy co-parenting relationship grow up as well-adjusted as children whose parents have a “successful” marriage. This is because a healthy co-parenting relationship allows children to feel safe and loved in familiar environments, which helps them grow in self-esteem and confidence.

For example, consistency between parents (in terms of household rules, etc.) helps children feel safe, as they know what to expect and don’t have to worry as much about uncertainty or feelings of injustice.

Additionally, children seeing their parents resolve conflicts in a calm, mature manner allows them to better understand and deal with disagreements in their own lives. In general, when children feel secure in the love of both parents, they can adjust more easily to divorce or separation.

Why is it beneficial for you?

On top of that, there are benefits for parents too! Both parents can be involved in their children’s lives, which means everyone experiences less loss. Healthy co-parenting leads to less conflict and stress within family environments, meaning parents can spend more time focusing and having fun with their children. Additionally, children tend to have better relationships with both parents in a co-parenting arrangement, as they are able to spend quality time with both parties and are not made to feel negativity.

Be careful: co-parenting is not right for everyone

It has many benefits and can help families adjust to life after divorce/separation, it should be noted that it is not suitable for everyone.

For example, if there is a lot of conflict or even abuse in your relationship, or if you and your ex live far from each other, then arrangements such as “parallel parenting” or the more traditional approach to parenting time and visitation might be appropriate. most appropriate for you.

10 tips to make co-parenting work

So, do you want to make co-parenting work between you and your ex? We’ve compiled some tips to make the transition to co-parenting as smooth and favorable as possible for the whole family.

1. Communicate respectfully and effectively

Try to view your relationship with your ex in a “professional” way. Which means you don’t necessarily have to like the people you work with, however, respect their time and try to do everything you can to work together so you can achieve your shared goals.

So try to see your ex this way and keep your conversations focused on the kids. Avoid asking more personal questions about their lives, as this could lead to tension and conflict, and of course, you should both respect each other’s privacy.

Another key point related to effective communication is active listening. Even if you end up disagreeing with something, it’s important to still actively listen and try to understand the other person’s point of view rather than just shutting them down. Show them that you are listening by repeating back what they just said and asking clarifying questions; This also reduces the possibility of misunderstandings.

2. Also communicate respectfully in front of your child

“If you don’t have anything good to say, don’t say anything at all”; Chances are you’ve given those words of wisdom to your child, now it’s time to follow your own advice! Don’t insult your ex in front of your children or talk about “adult problems.”

Children may feel conflicted or guilty if they feel pressured to choose one parent over the other, or they may even blame themselves for the separation. It’s important that, even if you don’t agree with your ex or they don’t like you, you can model how to deal with these feelings in a healthy way that’s respectful of your child.

3. Have a support system

Going through a separation and trying to navigate co-parenting is difficult. Make sure you have a support system in place and take care of yourself. Talk to friends or a therapist, and be sure to take time for yourself and pursue your hobbies.

This means that you are less likely to vent in front of your child, as mentioned in the previous point, and in general, taking care of yourself will mean that you will be less stressed and able to be more present during parenting. 

4. Separate your feelings from your behavior

There may be a lot of pain, anger, or resentment when separating from your ex. It’s also possible that you still have romantic feelings. This is possibly the most difficult part of co-parenting, however, it is essential that you put your child’s well-being first.

As mentioned in the previous point, working through your feelings by talking to friends or a therapist is a great idea to better cope with this transition. This will also benefit your child indirectly.

Some people also find exercise to be a healthy way to blow off steam or others find that saving their children’s photo as their phone’s home screen can act as a reminder to help them through these difficult times.

5. Co-parents as a team

It is important to be on the same page as your co-parent when it comes to your child’s education.

Children thrive on consistency and routine. Therefore, be sure to discuss routines, rules, and discipline with your parents so that your child understands appropriate behaviors and knows what to expect in specific situations.

Note: Don’t compete to be the “fun parent”; As important as it is to have fun, your child also needs a sense of security and boundaries, and it is best for them if both parents can provide this.

6. Create a parenting plan

In addition to the previous point, it is a good idea (and in some situations and jurisdictions legally required) to sit down with your co-parent and create a parenting plan together so that you are on the same page in all areas.

This gives you the opportunity to anticipate any potential problems/situations before they happen, so that you are better able to deal with them. In addition to rules and routines, it is also important to agree on medical and financial needs, education and childcare. from your son.co parenting.

7. Facilitates transitions/visits between homes

As mentioned, consistency and routines are important for children, so moving homes can sometimes be complicated.

To help your child prepare for these changes, be sure to remind him in the days leading up to the change that he will be staying with his co-parent and help him prepare in advance so it isn’t a last-minute rush. It can also be helpful to have some basic items, such as a toothbrush, in both homes.

Another helpful tip is to drop your child off at their other house instead of picking them up. This way, you don’t interrupt the child from whatever they are doing in that present moment and you don’t feel like you are “taking them away.”

Establish a routine where, after dropping your child home, you cook him or her favorite meal or play a particular game together. This will help your child feel more comfortable with the transition.

However, keep in mind that it is also important to give your child space if they need it. If he or she refuses to go to one of the parents’ homes, listen to them and find out why. The problem can be easily solved, such as wanting a specific toy with them. If the reason is more emotional, it’s also important to talk to your child (when they’re ready).

And don’t worry, most cases of rejection are usually temporary and can happen to either parent, so try not to take it personally.

8. Manage your expectations

Even if you have made a parenting plan together, differences and disagreements in parenting style (and lifestyle in general) are likely to arise. If this is a serious or recurring problem, it is a good idea to revise your parenting plan to include it or make it more realistic.

However, if it’s something small that ultimately doesn’t matter, then it’s probably best to let it go and try to focus on your own parenting.

Also remember that “fair” does not always mean “equal.” For example, if you know that you or your parents work more hours than the other or if one of you earns substantially more than the other, then it is likely that time, money, etc. They are not divided equally. 

9. Be flexible and accessible

However, we have talked about the importance of consistency, as we all know that life is not always predictable.

There may be unexpected changes to one of your schedules or there may be an emergency related to your child. It is important to try to stick to the schedule you agreed upon, however, if there are any changes, it is important to be understanding and give your ex the benefit of the doubt.

Having this understanding and respect will also benefit you whenever you need to organize something.

Also be flexible with your child’s needs. You may have come up with the perfect parenting plan, and of course it’s important for parents to be in control to give the child a sense of security.

10. Use technology

There’s a lot to organize when it comes to co-parenting! This is why using apps, like Google calendar, can help with organization and keep you and your co-parent on the same page with appointments, etc.

It can also be helpful to have written communication, whether through text messages or your parenting plan, so that you have “evidence” of what you both agreed to to help hold each other accountable and limit misunderstandings. On this note, it’s also a good idea to have both parents on school email lists, etc. so everyone is up to date.

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