Tips And Vitamins To Study And Improve Your Children’s Concentration

Lack of concentration and vitamins to study is very common in children. This is usually the case simply because they are children, have a lot of energy, are curious about everything around them, and are easily distracted. This lack of concentration in children also comes from difficulties maintaining attention for long periods of time. Staying focused is boring, especially when you can think of a ton of better things to do. So it is not at all strange that your children suffer from a lack of concentration, and that does not mean that they have a problem. But, if you are worried because it happens very frequently, you might wonder what the causes of lack of concentration are and what you can do to help them, such as giving them some vitamins for studying and vitamins for children’s memory.

It is difficult to maintain attention. Children may try to concentrate, but they simply cannot. This doesn’t mean they aren’t smart or aren’t trying hard enough. It also doesn’t mean they aren’t interested in something.

What are the possible causes of lack of concentration in children?

Not getting enough sleep

Children need between 10 and 12 hours of sleep to recharge and have energy for the next day. If children experience a lack of sleep, they may become distracted more easily and will be more likely to make mistakes.

Deal with emotions, stress and anxiety

Among the causes of lack of concentration in children, there are situations in their lives that cause them worries and these can have a negative effect on their attention span.

Unhealthy diet and dehydration

If children do not get enough nutrients, their brain cannot function properly. Additionally, if they are hungry, they cannot focus on their tasks. Water is very important for the brain and dehydration has a clear impact on concentration. Therefore, you can turn to vitamins for concentration and always keep them hydrated. 

Several ways you can help your children maintain attention and concentration

Whatever the cause of children’s lack of concentration, there are several ways you can help your children maintain attention and concentration. Every child is different, which is why it is necessary to have an individualized approach. They may have to change some habits. They also need an appropriate environment in which to develop as people. The best solution is to first observe your children, write some notes about their behavior, and then establish a routine that you can follow together each day. Some vitamins for studying in children can be a good option.

Create a distraction-free environment

When you want your children to concentrate, the first thing you have to do is put away any device that could distract them. This means turning off the TV, the radio and putting away iPads, tablets and cell phones that may be within reach. Make sure they have all their study materials on hand, so they don’t have to get up to go get them. If they are little, you can prepare their study table in the kitchen, where you can keep an eye on them and help them if they need it. If they are older, they can study in their room. Vitamins B6 and B12 Gummies contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system, psychological function and energy metabolism for growth and development. 

Feed them nutritious foods

Maintaining a healthy diet helps children concentrate and has been related to the effectiveness with which children cope with cognitive tasks, and there are different foods that can contribute to this process1,2. Walnuts, or oily fish, for example, such as salmon, tuna and mackerel, contain large amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids that can sharpen your mind and help you maintain normal brain function and vision3. 

Prepare a schedule that you can respect daily

It is important that your children know what is going to happen and when, so they can program their brains for times when they can rest and times when they need to concentrate. For example, when children come home from school they can have a healthy snack and then play for a while before starting to do their homework. 

Divide the teaching material into smaller sections

Your children may feel overwhelmed by everything they have to do. So, instead of asking them to do everything at once, break down their homework into more manageable tasks. For example, instead of reading the entire chapter, you can suggest that they read one page at a time and rest a few minutes between each page so that they can stay focused on their homework. At the end of each page they will have a feeling of achievement which, in turn, will motivate them to study more and you will avoid that lack of concentration in children. The vitamins will help the normal functioning of the nervous system and psychological function. Children can only maintain attention for 15 to 20 minutes, then their concentration level drops. In their moments of rest you should allow them to do something completely different, such as physical activity. Combining a physical activity with a mental activity can be a very effective way to help your children focus on the next task. 

Try to understand well what your children’s learning method is

Every child is different, so finding out which learning method best suits your children can help them increase their attention and fight against lack of concentration in children. Some children learn through sight, others through sounds, others with practical knowledge and touch; so it is important to understand what category they fall into. If you want your children to understand and process information, choose the method that best suits them. Thus, instead of in the short term, they will remember the knowledge acquired in the long term.

Play concentration games

Children learn a lot through games, so introducing some games that stimulate their brain could be a great idea. There are some games that require thinking skills, planning and the use of memory, such as crosswords or jigsaw puzzles.

If your children are always restless and have difficulty maintaining attention for long periods of time, it is not the end of the world. Don’t despair, because, after all, they are just children, full of energy and curiosity. However, there are things you can do to help keep children’s attention. You can achieve this by understanding their needs, creating an appropriate environment and providing them with sufficient vitamins and minerals through a nutritious and balanced diet and supplements that help the normal functioning of the nervous system and psychological function. 

Some foods that promote children’s memory

If you want to improve your children’s intellectual performance, it is better to do it naturally through healthy eating. Forget about vitamin supplements because if your child eats a balanced diet, he will naturally obtain everything he needs to have an elephant’s memory.

  • Banana. Bananas are one of the best foods for the brain. With potassium, magnesium and vitamin C, the neurotransmitters related to concentration begin to work.
  • eggs. The egg has choline and lutein, especially the yolk, whose benefits are directly observed in a more powerful memory and greater ability in cognitive functions.
  • Green leafy vegetables. Your child may not be the biggest fan of vegetables and causes problems at mealtime. But you need green leafy vegetables like spinach and chard to improve attention and concentration.
  • Salmon. Salmon is one of the fish that contains the most Omega 3 acids and your child needs them because they strengthen neuronal connections and keep the brain functioning. 
  • Yogurt. In addition to the fact that your child needs all the calcium that his bones can process, the tyrosone in yogurt favors the production of those neurotransmitters that keep your child alert to new knowledge.
  • Nuts. Especially walnuts and almonds are the dried fruits that your child will be happy to eat to strengthen memory and improve their school performance. 
  • Blueberries. In the long term, the antioxidants in this delicious fruit are one of the best guarantees for your child to become an adult with a strengthened memory. 

In addition to these foods that are especially indicated for memory, remember that the most important thing is that your child starts the day with a complete breakfast to face the entire day with energy.


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