One of the perfect uses for mindfulness is mastering your emotions. We will explore this concept in the home and office settings, where we learn and work with actionable tips. For more reading, please check here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Stop emotions and focus I use mindfulness when I need to work …
Middle class: money, happiness or both
Money does not bring happiness, it brings comfort. Happiness does not require money: it needs a sense of purpose and simple pleasures. Money and happiness compete over similar resources. How come so many think they are the same? Can we have both? More reading here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Money buys comfort …
Reimagining a pen
I am considering a new business. For a couple of weeks, I have been working with friends and family members trying to reimagine one of the most common and wildly used items: a pen. This is a creativity exercise with a very real expected output. Join me on my quest for the perfect pen. Knives, …
Tips And Vitamins To Study And Improve Your Children’s Concentration
Lack of concentration and vitamins to study is very common in children. This is usually the case simply because they are children, have a lot of energy, are curious about everything around them, and are easily distracted. This lack of concentration in children also comes from difficulties maintaining attention for long periods of time. Staying …
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A pen for a knowledge worker is like … a katana for a samurai
This is a bit strange. We go with our pens everywhere. Actually, more pens are sold than ever before. Yet we rarely use them nowadays. Kids no longer learn calligraphy. Yet each of my kids uses more pens than I ever did. What is going on? Is your pen a statement, and if so, of …
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IQ Scale: What Does Your IQ Score Really Mean?
The IQ scale, short for Intelligence Quotient, has been a topic of fascination, debate, and sometimes even controversy for over a century. Created by Alfred Binet in the early 20th century, the IQ test was originally designed to identify children who needed special education assistance. Since then, it has evolved into a widely used tool …
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What Is an Abundance Mindset and How to Develop It?
In today’s fast-paced, competitive world, mindset plays a pivotal role in shaping our realities. How we perceive challenges, opportunities, and success often dictates how we experience life. One of the most transformative mentalities that individuals can adopt is an abundance mindset. Contrary to a scarcity mindset—rooted in fear and limitations—an abundance mindset focuses on possibilities, …
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Choosing your inks
If you have a fountain pen, you are trying to find the perfect ink for that pen. If you have many pens, you mix and match. This is a sort of art, chemistry, and something else… Why should you do it and how to do it properly? Three colors everyone needs If you have a …
10 Valuable Ways to Remember Your Loved Ones
The memories of our loved ones often serve as a cornerstone in our lives, helping us navigate the complexities of our emotions and providing solace during difficult times. When someone close to us passes away, the pain of their absence can be overwhelming. Yet, there are meaningful ways to remember your loved ones that keep …
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What Is The MIND Diet: Prevention Of Mental Illness With Diet
The MIND diet, based on the consumption of foods with beneficial properties for the brain, has been linked to the prevention of mental illness. Studies have shown a possible reduction in the risk of suffering from diseases such as Alzheimer’s and depression when following this diet. Its principles focus on the intake of foods rich …
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