Why Do People Sleep With Their Eyes Open? How Does It Affect Your Sleep Quality?


  Sleep is a fundamental and necessary aspect of human life. It plays a critical role in physical and mental health, yet its mechanisms and peculiarities continue to intrigue scientists and the general public alike. One such enigma is the phenomenon of sleeping with one’s eyes open. While most people close their eyes when they …

The Importance Of Infant Sleep Position: Why Infants Cannot Sleep On Their Stomach


The topic of infant sleep position has been a subject of extensive research and discussion in the field of paediatric medicine and child development for decades. One of the most fundamental guidelines parents are given is that infants should not sleep on their stomachs. This recommendation, often referred to as “back to sleep,” has been …

Why Do Babies Smile In Their Sleep?


Babies, those bundles of joy and curiosity, are a constant source of wonder and fascination for parents and researchers alike. One particularly enchanting phenomenon that parents often report is the sight of their babies smiling while they sleep. These fleeting, ethereal smiles have intrigued generations of parents and scientists, prompting questions about their origins and …

Exploring the Enigma of Excessive Drooling During Sleep: Causes and Solutions


Excessive drooling during sleep, also known as nocturnal sialorrhea or nighttime drooling, can be an embarrassing and bothersome issue for many individuals. This involuntary production and release of saliva during sleep can disrupt a peaceful night’s rest and lead to various health concerns. To understand this phenomenon better, it is crucial to delve into the …